Movies watched today

1,Walt Before Mickey
2,forbidden kingdom
3,Dear white people


Movie *1..interesting half truth,badly acted,replete,with, sycophantic music.

Movie *2 rubbish,typical,misinterpretation, of,Taoist principles, badly acted, by,Chan and Jet Li,
only saving grace,is,Chan,correctly,interprets human frailty, as, addiction.

Movie *3,,watched for ten minutes, then, turned off. Black Americans trying to prove,they,are equal, to white Americans,has,been, done,,was, called, the war of emancipation, or,'The American Civil War'..and,that, too, was, a waste, of human time,and,effort.
that, too, was, a disaster.

why don't Americans,realise,they are American?

THE true,Philosophic question.

then  watched ,'All is Lost', with,Robert Redford,on,a sinking ship...

depressed alcohol abuser..HO WON?..or,HOW ON...etc..clever use of imagery..
and nice metaphor..for a troubled, rich kid ,interested,in, the Indian/Asian..'tradewinds'..
the Electric Horseman,has come a long way,,actor...Equity Cards on the Equator? Bob?..
or,just,another Life of Pie Man in a Boat Movie?..
