Friday 25 December 2015

Ray Charles - I can't stop loving you (LYRICS).wmv




                  I, can't stop, loving, You..

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Darlene Love - Christmas (Baby please come home)


 two ,more, sleeps! ho ho ho..[lol!]...time ,to get, in, the mood.....

Sunday 20 December 2015

Native American - Amazing Grace (in cherokee)


Written, by, a Liverpool Slave Ship,Owner,this, song,was,adopted, by,the Cherokee,
and, other, native Americans...
I, like, the Lyrics....

Got, the news, this, morning, that, My, aunty Rose, has,died, from,Cancer.
[Requiscat in pace]


Friday 18 December 2015

Elvis Presley - Pocketful Of Rainbows


 mmm, feel, like,sort, of, light?..this,tune,sounds, like,I, feel...nice...

Thursday 17 December 2015

Dean Parrish I'm On My Way


Dobie Gray - Out On The Floor


I,Feel, like ,dancing, again..and, it's, been, a long,time,since,I,did....



Wednesday 16 December 2015

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Billy Swan, I Can Help


If you got a problem, don't care what it is
If you need a hand, I can assure you this
I can help, I got two strong arms
I can help
It would sure do me good, to do you good
Let me help

It's a fact that people get lonely, ain't nothing new
But a woman like you, baby should never have the blues
Let me help, I got two for me
It would sure do me good, to do you good
Let me help

Monday 14 December 2015

IP Man

Watched, the Movie,'IP MAN 2'..on, Netflix, Yesterday,enjoyed, it.
Then watched, the original, 'IP MAN',another,couple, of,rubbish,American,Movies,which, I,stopped,
looking at, after, about,ten,minutes.
and, a Chinese,'Bio-pic', called,'Young Bruce Lee'.
Funnily,enough,a young,Bruce Lee,appeared, in,IPMAN.
The ridiculous Premise, that, a European Boxer, could,defeat, a Chinese Martial arts Master,in,combat,was, drawn, out,and,very,difficult, for,Me, to,consider.
However, as, a Metaphor, for, suffering,it, is, most, excellently,made.
Europeans,[The , foreign,'Devils], and, Chinese, [The 'Savages','Chinks', etc], both, cause, enormous,
harm, through, their, lack, of, understanding, Compassion.
European Imperialism, and, expansion, was, echoed, in, Japanese,Militarism.
The driving force, behind, Nationalism, is, always,Desire.
The IPMAN,knew, that,his,life, of, training,in, Wing Chun,style, was, pre-ordained.But, even,He,
was,unaware,of, just, exactly,why,suffering, arises, until, the,old Apothecary,showed, him,that,
everything, is,changeable, through, seeking, Compassion, then,the IPMAN,began, to,learn,that, the,
Master, must, always, learn, from, his, Students,and,Compassion,is, teaching, them, all.
There, is, a lot, of, talk, about, 'Pride', 'Honour', and, other,foolishness, in, the IPMAN ..
the inevitable result, would, be, Sorrow.
I, was, interested, to learn, that,Bruce Lee's, father, was, a ,traditional,Chinese,Theatre,Stage Actor, and, 'PHOENIX', was,
his,name, for,his, son.I, did, not, know, that,Bruce, began, his,Movie, career, as, a Stuntman...
In, the Movie, 'Enter The Dragon', the opening,scenes, show, Bruce, as, a Shaolin Monk ,
teaching, his, students, about, 'Finger to Moon', Zen,quotes.
Bruce ends, up,fighting, the 'Han Man', who, is, dressed,almost, exactly, like, the IPMAN,in,a,
kind, of, 'Chairman Mao', suit.....again, as, before, as, a Metaphor, for, suffering, it, is, most, excellently, made..the 'Han', of, course, being, the Ethnic Majority, who, suffered, under, Imperialist,adventurers..
Bruce, in, his, Yellow and Black, Suit, being, the , 'defiled', or,'lower Caste',idea, of, the westernized,
Asian worker.
The IPMAN, in,his,youth, went, to, a European School, in, Hong Kong, called, 'St Stephens',and, left,
after, his, studies, ended, on, friendly, terms, with, his,Teachers.
[that, was, the best bit, of, the Movie, for,Me]..This, education,would, eventually, benefit, his,community,
and, his, country,and, would, enable, misunderstandings, of, a linguistic,nature, to, be, overcome.
One, scene, of, particular, interest, for,me, was, the, Japanese Sargeant , of, the Imperial Army,
claiming, he, just, wanted, to, go home, to,visit,his,Mother's, grave,and, was, only, following, orders,
as, all Japanese,Soldiers,were,sworn, to, die, before, disgracing, themselves.
These, Asian brothers,Japan, and,China, were,suffering, from,linguistic,misunderstanding, of, the,
true,nature, of, compassion..Perhaps,their,Mother's, should, have,sent, them,TO, the IPMAN.?.
or, maybe, the IPMAN,
like, all, of, us.. just,had, to eat...Dude.

Saturday 12 December 2015



 been, a majorly, stressful,week,for,Me.
Met,up, with, a couple, of,really,great,young people,for, a coffee,and, was, delighted, that, they, had,
found,each other.Felt,a bit, of, a rat,having, to leave, ther company, but,I,had, to get,home,because,
my dog, was, locked, in,the kitchen, and, was,fretting.No-one likes,being,in,confinement,for, too long..
We, all, got, to get, some fresh air, get out,in, the open,and,just play.
My wife,Claire, is,one, of, a family, of,eight,, are,still,alive,...but, one,Her,
biggest,Sister,Olivia, is,dead.
She was, an, alcoholic, and,left,four kids.They,all,have kids,and,grandkids.
Olivia, was, drunk,senseless, on,My wedding, day, and,I,had, to carry,her, home, to,my,mums,
house,in,my,wedding suit, whilst,she, was,unconscious.
I,have,big,shoulders, and,have,carried,carried,many,heavy,burdens,over,the..years.
but,I,always, get,people,home,by,any,means,I,can.
Got,the news.yesterday, that,Linda,another, of,Claires,sisters,is,making, a good,recovery, after,
five hours, of, surgery, to repair, a thyroid,problem, that, has, badly, affected,her,health.
She,is,great,full,of,fun,and,smart, as,anything,with,puzzles, and,stuff, but,she, had,her,heart,broken,once,
and,I,never,forgot, the look, on,her,face, when, she,told,me,her,marriage, was,over, and,burst,into,tears.
She,remarried,one,my,mates,and,I,was,delighted,when,They had, their,child,Erin, twenty, years, ago.
Claire,is,putting, our,Christmas Tree,right now, and,I've, got, to pop, out, for, a bit, of, shopping, later.
I,will be working,tonight, again,party season, is, upon, us,but,these,days, I,never,work, on, a Sunday.
My daughter,Katy, went, out, to a works party,last night, and, stayed over, with, some friends,
for,someone,who has, a phone stuck to her ear,most, of, the time,She doesn't phone home often,enough, to let us,know, where She is, but, what, can I do?..she's, 30 now, and,lives,her,own, life.
you,never,stop,worrying, about, your, kids, ever..and,just,knowing, they are safe, is, all,any, parent,wants.
Had first,puker of, the year, last,night, in, cab..nothing,unusual, for,me, I've had people,doing, everything, you,can,think, of, in, my cab, including,every bodily function.I'm, pretty much,unshockable....
I've,dealt, with, deaths, in,the family,held,my mums hand, as She died, from, the bastard,Cancer,
and,heard,My, big,Sister,weeping,as, she told,Me, My Dad, had, died, of, a sudden,heart Attack.
I've, listened, to,Aunties,telling, about,suicides, My cousin,Howard,killed,himself,years, ago..
I've, heard,one, of,my,nieces, is, a lesbian, another, nephew, is,gay,and,I've, heard,people tell,me,about, horrific injurys,drunken fathers,cheating,wives, and,practically,anything, you, can, think, of...
but,you, know, something?.I,really, enjoy, a coffee, now,and, then.....
Got, to leave,off, now, the dogs, got, a plastic squeaky chicken, in, his, mouth, and, is, looking,
for, his, walkies...catch you soon..oh! and Happy Christmas! ho ho ho.! ..very best wishes.
Love, is all around, us.

HD#458. The Isley Brothers 1966 - "Seek And You Shall Find"

Dobie Gray - Out On The Floor