Watched, the Movie,'IP MAN 2'..on, Netflix, Yesterday,enjoyed, it.
Then watched, the original, 'IP MAN',another,couple, of,rubbish,American,Movies,which, I,stopped,
looking at, after, about,ten,minutes.
and, a Chinese,'Bio-pic', called,'Young Bruce Lee'.
Funnily,enough,a young,Bruce Lee,appeared, in,IPMAN.
The ridiculous Premise, that, a European Boxer, could,defeat, a Chinese Martial arts Master,in,combat,was, drawn, out,and,very,difficult, for,Me, to,consider.
However, as, a Metaphor, for, suffering,it, is, most, excellently,made.
Europeans,[The , foreign,'Devils], and, Chinese, [The 'Savages','Chinks', etc], both, cause, enormous,
harm, through, their, lack, of, understanding, Compassion.
European Imperialism, and, expansion, was, echoed, in, Japanese,Militarism.
The driving force, behind, Nationalism, is, always,Desire.
The IPMAN,knew, that,his,life, of, training,in, Wing Chun,style, was, pre-ordained.But, even,He,
was,unaware,of, just, exactly,why,suffering, arises, until, the,old Apothecary,showed, him,that,
everything, is,changeable, through, seeking, Compassion, then,the IPMAN,began, to,learn,that, the,
Master, must, always, learn, from, his, Students,and,Compassion,is, teaching, them, all.
There, is, a lot, of, talk, about, 'Pride', 'Honour', and, other,foolishness, in, the IPMAN ..
the inevitable result, would, be, Sorrow.
I, was, interested, to learn, that,Bruce Lee's, father, was, a ,traditional,Chinese,Theatre,Stage Actor, and, 'PHOENIX', was,
his,name, for,his, son.I, did, not, know, that,Bruce, began, his,Movie, career, as, a Stuntman...
In, the Movie, 'Enter The Dragon', the opening,scenes, show, Bruce, as, a Shaolin Monk ,
teaching, his, students, about, 'Finger to Moon', Zen,quotes.
Bruce ends, up,fighting, the 'Han Man', who, is, dressed,almost, exactly, like, the IPMAN,in,a,
kind, of, 'Chairman Mao', suit.....again, as, before, as, a Metaphor, for, suffering, it, is, most, excellently, made..the 'Han', of, course, being, the Ethnic Majority, who, suffered, under, Imperialist,adventurers..
Bruce, in, his, Yellow and Black, Suit, being, the , 'defiled', or,'lower Caste',idea, of, the westernized,
Asian worker.
The IPMAN, in,his,youth, went, to, a European School, in, Hong Kong, called, 'St Stephens',and, left,
after, his, studies, ended, on, friendly, terms, with, his,Teachers.
[that, was, the best bit, of, the Movie, for,Me]..This, education,would, eventually, benefit, his,community,
and, his, country,and, would, enable, misunderstandings, of, a linguistic,nature, to, be, overcome.
One, scene, of, particular, interest, for,me, was, the, Japanese Sargeant , of, the Imperial Army,
claiming, he, just, wanted, to, go home, to,visit,his,Mother's, grave,and, was, only, following, orders,
as, all Japanese,Soldiers,were,sworn, to, die, before, disgracing, themselves.
These, Asian brothers,Japan, and,China, were,suffering, from,linguistic,misunderstanding, of, the,
true,nature, of, compassion..Perhaps,their,Mother's, should, have,sent, them,TO, the IPMAN.?.
or, maybe, the IPMAN,
like, all, of, us.. just,had, to eat...Dude.
Then watched, the original, 'IP MAN',another,couple, of,rubbish,American,Movies,which, I,stopped,
looking at, after, about,ten,minutes.
and, a Chinese,'Bio-pic', called,'Young Bruce Lee'.
Funnily,enough,a young,Bruce Lee,appeared, in,IPMAN.
The ridiculous Premise, that, a European Boxer, could,defeat, a Chinese Martial arts Master,in,combat,was, drawn, out,and,very,difficult, for,Me, to,consider.
However, as, a Metaphor, for, suffering,it, is, most, excellently,made.
Europeans,[The , foreign,'Devils], and, Chinese, [The 'Savages','Chinks', etc], both, cause, enormous,
harm, through, their, lack, of, understanding, Compassion.
European Imperialism, and, expansion, was, echoed, in, Japanese,Militarism.
The driving force, behind, Nationalism, is, always,Desire.
The IPMAN,knew, that,his,life, of, training,in, Wing Chun,style, was, pre-ordained.But, even,He,
was,unaware,of, just, exactly,why,suffering, arises, until, the,old Apothecary,showed, him,that,
everything, is,changeable, through, seeking, Compassion, then,the IPMAN,began, to,learn,that, the,
Master, must, always, learn, from, his, Students,and,Compassion,is, teaching, them, all.
There, is, a lot, of, talk, about, 'Pride', 'Honour', and, other,foolishness, in, the IPMAN ..
the inevitable result, would, be, Sorrow.
I, was, interested, to learn, that,Bruce Lee's, father, was, a ,traditional,Chinese,Theatre,Stage Actor, and, 'PHOENIX', was,
his,name, for,his, son.I, did, not, know, that,Bruce, began, his,Movie, career, as, a Stuntman...
In, the Movie, 'Enter The Dragon', the opening,scenes, show, Bruce, as, a Shaolin Monk ,
teaching, his, students, about, 'Finger to Moon', Zen,quotes.
Bruce ends, up,fighting, the 'Han Man', who, is, dressed,almost, exactly, like, the IPMAN,in,a,
kind, of, 'Chairman Mao', suit.....again, as, before, as, a Metaphor, for, suffering, it, is, most, excellently, made..the 'Han', of, course, being, the Ethnic Majority, who, suffered, under, Imperialist,adventurers..
Bruce, in, his, Yellow and Black, Suit, being, the , 'defiled', or,'lower Caste',idea, of, the westernized,
Asian worker.
The IPMAN, in,his,youth, went, to, a European School, in, Hong Kong, called, 'St Stephens',and, left,
after, his, studies, ended, on, friendly, terms, with, his,Teachers.
[that, was, the best bit, of, the Movie, for,Me]..This, education,would, eventually, benefit, his,community,
and, his, country,and, would, enable, misunderstandings, of, a linguistic,nature, to, be, overcome.
One, scene, of, particular, interest, for,me, was, the, Japanese Sargeant , of, the Imperial Army,
claiming, he, just, wanted, to, go home, to,visit,his,Mother's, grave,and, was, only, following, orders,
as, all Japanese,Soldiers,were,sworn, to, die, before, disgracing, themselves.
These, Asian brothers,Japan, and,China, were,suffering, from,linguistic,misunderstanding, of, the,
true,nature, of, compassion..Perhaps,their,Mother's, should, have,sent, them,TO, the IPMAN.?.
like, all, of, us.. just,had, to eat...Dude.