Another One,of, Ours..daft as a brush..[He ,used, to live in,Brookwood Rd, right next,to, My road,when, I,was a Kid..]..
next time,I'm, in California, I, may, pop, round, to His, House, for, a Cup, of ,Tea, and, a natter..
He, knows,He can always, call,round, to, Ours,anytime, He likes..
I,,never,realised, 'Herman's Hermits', had, a left Handed, Bass Player?..
Nice,to see, He's, still, working..Last, Saturday, We, had, the worst, Rainstorm, for,years, here, in,Liverpool..I,mean, it, was, like,a monsoon..clear, today,tho'..mmm...something, tells,Me..I'm, into, something, good....! ha ha!