I, am , not an advocate, of,Non-medicinal,use, of, Cannabis.
However, as, a student, of, Jung, and Herman Melville, I, am, intrigued, about, the influence,
of, Marihuana, on ,the Psyche.
As, I, have, previously noted, in, earlier postings, Melville, smoked Hemp.
So, apparently, did ,Abe Lincoln.
Artists, such as, Mark Ryden, Lou Beach, Jeffrey Bridges, etc, use Cannabis Symbolism, in ALL, their productions.
No surprise, then?, that, Abe Lincoln, keeps appearing, in ,Artworks?....
God, works, in, Mysterious ways....It, has ,been proven, that, Judaism, etc, is, intrinsically, linked, to Cannabis
[kaneh-Bosm, the 'fragrant herb',was, used, in, the 'Temple of the 'High Priests', etc, this, is, a fact]and Cannabis, is linked, to , 'Meditative states', etc..
'Muggles', is, a 1920's, term, for? Cannabis,
it, is,also,used, in the 'Harry Potter', books, by JKRowling, etc ['Pot', er, ].....
One of the best baits, used, in, Carp-fishing,... is? Hemp.
Jeremiah 14:14 Then the LORD said to me, "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds."