Tutenkh-Amon, Pharoah enough?


The thing that gets me, is that old Tut here, has a snake [Reptile] and a bird? Ibis maybe?[Avian]
head ornament, smack bang in the middle of the forehead[right where the ancient Chinese, for instance, sited the 'upper tan tien', or third eye]. Hello! DNA!
The bottom of his hood/neck collar is inscribed with , 'A-O',[Alpha /Omega?] also,a gold mask, is very significant, many ancient cultures did similar decorative work, but for me, a mythic explanation, can 
complement an orthodox investigation, quite easily.
Gold Men? yes, they crop up in many myths, and, of course, Jung, covered most of them.......

Maybe 'Stargate', is nearer the truth than we are led to believe?
Beau Bridges! look out! you never know who will step through the portal! haha!

Incidentally, old Tut here, had a CLEFT PALATE!, I seem to have heard that expression, someplace else?
Never mind, as everyone knows, Egypt's dead religions/magic etc, are all on the pack of tarot cards, anyone can use geomantic methodology to read the clues!
Funny how a lot of , 'UFO's have ,'Ankh' symbols etc on them? I think not. For most of them, are Psychic projections, complete with archaic trace elements, sun symbolism, yet again, but in a different form.

Now, Isis! there's an interesting subject,
Is-Ra-El ?or maybe....Ra-Lies?, Mummy! There's a snake in my head! Ha! Ha! Ha!
