Today,John Lennon, would, have, been, 75 , and, last,night,I,was, listening, to some Guy, on, the Radio,
talking, about, a new Documentary, about, the, last, Day,in, His,life.
[Lennon, had,just, been, to,a BarberShop, in, N.Y.C, and, was, sporting, a 'Teddy Boy', Hairstyle,which,
it, would, appear, was, His, 'Style', as, a Youth, here, in,Liverpool.]
In, Their, early,days, The 'Beatles', were, influenced, by, American, 'Rockabilly',Type,Groups,
such, as, Gene Vincent,and, the 'BlueCaps'...Eddie Cochran,'Little Richard', Chuck Berry, etc..
Vinyls,were, hard, to, come, by, in, Liverpool,in,those, days.
They, had, to,be, individually, ordered, from, the Manufacturers.
So,Music-mad,Lennon, I'm, sure, would, have,known,Record Store,Owner, Brian Epstein, long, before,He, signed, up, the 'Beatles'.
He, did, after, all, live, 'just, around ,the Corner',in,His, Aunt Mimi's,House,
on, Menlove Avenue, from, the Epstein,Home, on, Queens Drive...
Lennon's,real, Dad,a Sailor,had,deserted, His,Mother,when,He, was, an, Infant..
but,Sailors, were, bringing,more, than,Vinyl Records,covertly, into, Liverpool's, 'Black Market', economy..
New York City, Marijuana, Homosexual, Jewish,Managers..and, a 'Thug/Bully',Scouser?..
from, a broken Home?..The 'QuarryMen?'..or, the 'Silver Beatles?'..
Lennon, knew,Epstein,long,before, the 'Beatles', were, formed?..Methinks,
a bit, of,'Rough Trade', was, ongoing..but, who, cares, anyway? not, Me, Amigo..
Lennon, was, the 'Great Pretender'.
Gene Vincent, of, course, died, in,His,Mother's arms, in,California....but,His, influence,on, the,
History, of, Rock Music, cannot, be,understated.
'Race with the Devil', was, another, of,Gene's, hits...against all odds...
and, of, course, 'Be Bop, a-Lula', remains,one, of,the, all-time, greats....
a, 'Gretsch',Guitar,and, a pair, of, Cowboy Boots....
John Lennon, was, no, Angel,and, no, 'Working Class, Hero',
but, His,broken-home,disruptive,upbringing,somehow, created,an, amazing,
Songsmith, and, an, underrated, Cartoonist...
and,Maybe,the Heroin Addict, 'Hair-Peace' ....?.Lover...
"In their first interview for a major British publication, London's Evening Standard, journalist Maureen Cleave mentioned their 'weird' hair: "French styling, with the fringe brushed forwards." But it barely raised any attention in the British media.
However, it caused a sensation when the Beatles arrived in America in 1964. The affectionate term 'Moptops' was created and almost every comedian in the country cracked gags about their hair style. Hundreds of thousands of Beatles wigs were manufactured and it eventually led to the American youth growing their hair longer than had been previously acceptable for a young male."