Monday 23 March 2015

The dark origins of the Grimms' fairy tales | Den of Geek

The dark origins of the Grimms' fairy tales | Den of Geek

According to Disney: Upset by her step-daughter’s beauty, a wicked stepmother orders a huntsman to take her young daughter out into the woods and kill her, bringing back her heart. The huntsman can’t do it, and lets Snow White escape into the forest. She finds a tiny house where singing dwarves, all named for their defining characteristics, live. They decide to let her stay, to keep house for them.
The wicked queen finds out, via her magic mirror, that Snow White isn’t dead, and sets out to kill her with a poisoned apple. Though the dwaves get revenge by driving the queen off the edge of a cliff, they can’t wake Snow White… until a passing prince comes and awakens her with true love’s kiss. And then they live happily ever after.
But originally: In the first edition of the story, it wasn’t a wicked step-mother at all. It was Snow White’s mother. And she didn’t just want Snow White’s heart – she wanted her lungs and liver, too. When she discovers that the huntsman hasn’t killed the girl, she sets out to try to kill her in three different ways: with an overly tight corset, with a poisoned comb, and finally with a poisoned apple. It’s not true love’s kiss that revives Snow White, it’s a good shake, as the prince attempts to make off with Snow White’s glass coffin – and the queen doesn’t get pushed off a cliff, she’s forced to dance herself to death in a pair of red-hot iron shoes. Ouch.

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