An interesting Tsimshian belief makes the Moon a kind of half-way house to the heavens, so that whoever would enter the sky-world must pass through the Home of the Moon. The Keeper of this abode is Pestilence, and with him are four hermaphrodite dwarfs. When the quester appears, he must cry out to the Keeper, "I wish to be made fair and sound"; then the dwarfs will call, " Come hither, come hither!" If he obeys them, they will kill him; but if he passes on, he is safe. A certain hero found his way to the Moon's House by the frequent mode of the arrow ladder, and was there made pure and white as snow. Finally the Keeper sent him back to the world, with the command : "Harken what you shall teach men when you return to Earth. I rejoice to see men upon the Earth, for otherwise there would be no one to pray to me or to honor me. I need and enjoy your worship. But when you undertake to do evil I will thwart you. Man and wife shall be true to one another; ye shall pray to me; and ye shall not look upon the Moon when attending to nature's needs. I rejoice in your smoke. Ye shall not spend the evening in riotous play. When you undertake to do what I forbid I will deny you." This revelation of the law is a truly primitive mixture of morality and tabu, based upon the do ut des relationship of god and man so succinctly expressed in a Haida prayer recorded by Swanton: "I give this to you for a whale; give one to me, Chief."