Dean Martin - Volare - Lyrics

The word volar, is from Latin vola, ‘hollow of the hand or foot’.
"Volo ‘I wish’ is said from voluntas ‘free-will’ and from volatus ‘flight,' because the spirit is such that in an instant it pervolat ‘flies through’ to any place whither it volt ‘wishes'" [Varro: On The Latin Language, p.215]
Vallum ‘small winnowing-fan,' from volatus ‘flight,' because when they swing this to and fro the light particles volant ‘fly’ away from there. [Varro: On The Latin Language, p.131.]
The Rudolphine Tables have this constellation, Volans, as Passer, the Sparrow, Passer domesticus, the house sparrow, from the Latin term passer for true sparrows and similar small birds.
The Flying Fish is positioned under Argo Navis, the celestial ship:
"Of the monster called the flying-fish. There is a sea monster called the flying-fish, which has huge wings. When it sees a ship under sail on the sea, it raises its wings over the water and tries to keep pace with the ship for three or four miles; when it fails to keep pace, it lowers its wings and folds them. The waves carry it, exhausted, back to its home in their depths. The flying-fish represents this world. The ship symbolizes the righteous, who sail through its storms and tempests without putting their faith in danger or at risk of shipwreck. But the flying-fish, which could not keep up with the ship, represents those who at the start apply themselves to good works, but do not afterwards persevere with them and yield to all sorts of vice, which carry them, like the restless waves of the sea, down to hell. For the prize goes not to those who begin the race, but to those who stay the course" [The Aberdeen Bestiary]

......HO HO HO! LOL!...

From Latin nolens (unwilling), from nōlō (I am unwilling) and volens (willing), from volō (I am willing, I will).

