The Hebrew word naba means ‘to speak by inspiration’, and Nebo is the god of wisdom and also the planet Mercury. The Hindus call this planet Budha (‘wise man’), and it is closely connected with the Buddha (‘awakened one’). Similarly, the Talmudists hold that Jesus was inspired by the genius or regent of Mercury [9]. According to the modern theosophical tradition, there is an intimate link between Jesus and Buddha, connected with Jesus’ status as an avatara.
Jesus as avatara
The term ‘avatara’ signifies the ‘descent’ of a divine being who overshadows and works through a human vehicle. Mahatma KH stated that the man Jeshu was ‘a mortal like any of us, an adept more by his inherent purity and ignorance of real Evil, than by what he had learned with his initiated Rabbis and the already (at that period) fast degenerating Egyptian Hierophants and priests’ [1]. Jesus was chrestos (good and holy), and became christos (‘anointed’, i.e. glorified) only when the celestial power began to work through him