Naturally serene, seamless like space,
Embodying wholeness, the unity of ever-fresh awareness and its field,
Unchanging, impartial, not biased toward being or nonbeing,
I salute the supreme universal creativity.
Listen! Those who do not thoroughly understand me---
universal creativity---
Are attracted to the diverse teachings,
And involve themselves in what the teacher, through the three
dimensions, intended.
They very much contradict what I, universal creativity, intend.
Listen! I am the teacher, universal creativity.
These scriptures, which are the heart of the teaching and the root of spiritual pursuits,
Were not talked about very much by the teachers of the three times.
This unborn primordial state of the teacher
Was not spoken of previously by the buddhas of the three times,
It was not spoken of later, and is not spoken of now.
The unchanging creativity of the universe
Communicated it previously, will speak of it in the future,
And speaks of it now.
The creativity of the universe teaches you fortunate ones
This direct teaching, this scripture about the freedom that you do not need to strive for,
This oral transmission of the elevated teaching
Which gets at the core of reality, neither exaggerating nor understating.
Listen! The teacher of the teacher, the creativity of the universe,
In the midst of his uncontrived audience,
According to this inner source of all uncontrived, quintessential teachings,
Describes how everything appears.
When you have understood the unified frame of reference of this core teaching,
All other frames of reference will be reflected within this creativity that makes everything else possible.
Thus, if you know me--the intelligence of the universe-
You will know the inconceivable truth.
If you know me---the majestic creativity within everything---
You will know and be at peace with the reality of everything else.
I, the creativity of the universe, pure and total presence,
Am the real heart of all spiritual pursuits.
The three approaches with their three teachers
Do not exist apart from this one definitive approach.
This is the level of the creative energy of the universe, pure and total presence.
It is the source of all spiritual pursuits.
Contrasted to such a true mentor is one who is confused about the meaning of the spiritual teachings and philosophical tenets of the buddhists and non-buddhists. Craving goods and semantic distinctions, delighting in distractions and entertainments, he breaks his vows and commitments. One who leads people who are faithful yet lack guidance down a dead-end path and who pursues material gain through religion moves outside of the true meaning of the primordial reality.
Thus he teaches to others mere words, as if they were somehow spiritual.
He even lacks the fortune to understand for himself.
It stands to reason that this monkey show should be abandoned.
Innocents, through deception, are seduced to a path that is just an idea,
With neither time for setting out nor time for realization---
How will they be able to seek reality on its own terms?
When following the teachings of a monkey-like master which have no logical basis,
You end up believing in a false path.
Listen Great Being!
The history of the teaching is given
Because initial confidence arises from it.
The historical unfolding of the teaching reveals three ways by which it's meaning is transmitted:
o Through natural self-authentication,
o Through the medium being the message and the form being the content,
o Through literary composition.
All that is experienced and your own mind is the unique primary reality.
They cannot be conceptualized according to the cause and effect systems of thought.
Investigate your mind's real nature
So that your pure and total presence will actually shine forth.
Jim Morrison,and his group, 'The Doors', sang about a 'Crystal Ship', too....
Embodying wholeness, the unity of ever-fresh awareness and its field,
Unchanging, impartial, not biased toward being or nonbeing,
I salute the supreme universal creativity.
Listen! Those who do not thoroughly understand me---
universal creativity---
Are attracted to the diverse teachings,
And involve themselves in what the teacher, through the three
dimensions, intended.
They very much contradict what I, universal creativity, intend.
Listen! I am the teacher, universal creativity.
These scriptures, which are the heart of the teaching and the root of spiritual pursuits,
Were not talked about very much by the teachers of the three times.
This unborn primordial state of the teacher
Was not spoken of previously by the buddhas of the three times,
It was not spoken of later, and is not spoken of now.
The unchanging creativity of the universe
Communicated it previously, will speak of it in the future,
And speaks of it now.
The creativity of the universe teaches you fortunate ones
This direct teaching, this scripture about the freedom that you do not need to strive for,
This oral transmission of the elevated teaching
Which gets at the core of reality, neither exaggerating nor understating.
Listen! The teacher of the teacher, the creativity of the universe,
In the midst of his uncontrived audience,
According to this inner source of all uncontrived, quintessential teachings,
Describes how everything appears.
When you have understood the unified frame of reference of this core teaching,
All other frames of reference will be reflected within this creativity that makes everything else possible.
Thus, if you know me--the intelligence of the universe-
You will know the inconceivable truth.
If you know me---the majestic creativity within everything---
You will know and be at peace with the reality of everything else.
I, the creativity of the universe, pure and total presence,
Am the real heart of all spiritual pursuits.
The three approaches with their three teachers
Do not exist apart from this one definitive approach.
This is the level of the creative energy of the universe, pure and total presence.
It is the source of all spiritual pursuits.
Contrasted to such a true mentor is one who is confused about the meaning of the spiritual teachings and philosophical tenets of the buddhists and non-buddhists. Craving goods and semantic distinctions, delighting in distractions and entertainments, he breaks his vows and commitments. One who leads people who are faithful yet lack guidance down a dead-end path and who pursues material gain through religion moves outside of the true meaning of the primordial reality.
Thus he teaches to others mere words, as if they were somehow spiritual.
He even lacks the fortune to understand for himself.
It stands to reason that this monkey show should be abandoned.
Innocents, through deception, are seduced to a path that is just an idea,
With neither time for setting out nor time for realization---
How will they be able to seek reality on its own terms?
When following the teachings of a monkey-like master which have no logical basis,
You end up believing in a false path.
Listen Great Being!
The history of the teaching is given
Because initial confidence arises from it.
The historical unfolding of the teaching reveals three ways by which it's meaning is transmitted:
o Through natural self-authentication,
o Through the medium being the message and the form being the content,
o Through literary composition.
All that is experienced and your own mind is the unique primary reality.
They cannot be conceptualized according to the cause and effect systems of thought.
Investigate your mind's real nature
So that your pure and total presence will actually shine forth.
Jim Morrison,and his group, 'The Doors', sang about a 'Crystal Ship', too....