Memphis Belle (1990) - "Takeoff"


 Love this Movie..not for glamourizing war,but,for, the attention, to detail..
Went to Cologne,once,and,Koblenz, noticed, small manhole,cover-type,plaques, on, the streets..
they recorded,the fact, that, they,suffered,over 40 air-raids..the devastation, must, have,been,terrible..
then again, we,in,Liverpool,suffered,terribly. also, when, Herr Goering,decided, to embark, on,
His,air campaign...the past, is,past..who,would, have,believed?..that, in, 2016, Liverpool, Football, Club,
would, have,American,owners, and, a German Manager? ..
Sport,is,better, than,War.
