The Great Winged Grizzly.[DC Nyiri]

The Great Winged Grizzly by Daniel C Nyiri
The Great Winged Grizzly by Daniel C Nyiri
The latest addition to Eureka’s extensive collection of outdoor murals was unveiled to the public during Arts Alive, October 6, at Redwood Curtain Theatre, 220 First Street, Eureka. The new mural, ”The Great Winged Grizzly” has been designed and painted by nationally acclaimed set designer and scenic artist Daniel C. Nyiri. The mural features a winged marble grizzly on a pedestal and the inscription “Theatre takes courage.”
Says Nyiri, “I wanted a statue as the centerpiece of the mural as a link to the origins of theatre in ancient Greece, but more baroque in style suggestive of the later European developments.” His design also includes elements such as heavy Victorian-style drapery and marbling, and an “oculus” to the open sky, recalling the famous Pantheon building in Rome. “I was attracted to the idea of a mythological winged creature, but I also was drawn to the grizzly, as a force of nature, representing great strength but also symbolic of the solitary nature of artists, pursuing what they need to do, often against great odds. By adding wings, it suggests the magic, wonder and enchantment which are at the root of live theatre.”
Nyiri has designed sets for over 90 theatre and film productions nationwide, including several in Humboldt County. His most recent theatrical work has been with Redwood Curtain, including the most recent two productions: “Circle Mirror Transformation” and “Dusty and the Big Bad World.”
Daniel C. Nyiri
Design and Painting: Theatre, Film, Interior and Architectural
Fine Art Watercolors

