The Dharma of Mind Transmission: Zen Teachings of Huang-po

Prajna students, even if you seek the one Dharma and give no thought to the Three Vehicles, this one Dharma is also unobtainable,  If someone says he can obtain it, he is indeed an arrogant person and indeed is one with those who left the Lotus Assembly, refusing to listen to the Lotus Teaching  Thus the Tathagata said: "There was really no Dharma by means of which the Tathagata attained Supreme Awakening."  However, there is the unspoken, silent understanding.  There is just this!
Those who are near death just then realize that the five skandhas are empty, the real Mind is without form, and that the four elements are devoid of self.  Neither coming nor going, the Buddhas nature does not depart.   If one suddenly understands the unconditioned Mind and realizes that the mind-sphere is non-differentiated, he is not restricted by the three periods.  This is the true Arya, who is free of defiling tendencies.  Encountering pleasing sense objects and even being greeted by all Buddhas, he does not pursue them.  Terrible or loathsome sense objects cause no fear to such a one.  Dwelling without mind, like the Dharmadhatu, the Mind is free of all delusions.
A Ch'an Master said: "The expedient teachings of Sravaka, Bodhisattva, Dasabhumi and Samyak Sambodhi all belong to the path of gradual awakening."  What is perfect Nirvana?  Perfect Nirvana is the sudden understanding that one's own nature is original Buddha and True Mind.  It is the sudden realization that there is neither Buddha nor sentient beings, neither subject nor object.  If this present place is illusion city, where then is perfect Nirvana? Perfect Nirvana cannot be pointed out because we are only able to point out a place.  Whatever is thought of as a place cannot be the condition of true, perfect Nirvana.  One can give indications as to which direction it lies in, but one cannot give a definite location.  However, one may come to a correct and silent understanding of it.
