Funny,but,True..for, Most People?..the, 'Mask',or,'Persona?'...
is,unreal..the 'Painted Smile'...
Clown face with derby (1970) by Waldemar Swierzy became a postage stamp in 1992 and Mona Lisa (1970) by Maciej Urbaniec in 2002. This tribute to the popularity of these posters and their artists also recognizes the significance of the CYRK genre as the most highly-acclaimed and recognized posters of the golden age of the Polish School of Poster (1945-1989). (During this era, more than 300 different CYRK posters by more than 75 artists had been commissioned by the Polish government.)
Waldemar Swierzy (b.1931), with more than 2,500 posters, is also one of Poland's most prominent posterists. His varied style is innovative and he constantly tries unusual concepts, of which Clown face with derby (1970) is a prime example.
Maciej Urbaniec (1925-2004) is another leading artist of the Polish School of Posters. His style, as seen in Mona Lisa, conveys simple & powerful messages through an ingenious humorous methodology with artistic metaphors.
Philately, will, get, You, nowhere!
The phil- at the beginning of philatelist gives you a hint as to its meaning: it means "love" — a Francophile is a person who loves France. The Greek ateleia meant "exemption from payment," an exemption that was marked by a stamp. So a philatelist is literally a person who "loves stamps."..
Religion, of,course, put,it's,own,stamp..on, the Populace..
interesting...but,the last time,I,bought,a Stamp?..can't, remember..
I'm ,exempt...