The Tree of Life, some observations.

' God is encased everywhere as the child in the womb.'

Some declare that they will believe only in a God that can be seen or demonstrated.

This is the usual argument of the worldly minded.

But it is not easy to see, with gross physical eyes, the Paramâtmâ, which is subtler than the subtlest.

You must first get command over a powerful microscope, fit for the purpose.

Either the jñâna-chakshu or the prema-chakshu is wanted,

the eye of wisdom or the eye of love; only with these can you see God. - Upanishad Vahini, p. 76   


Then consider....'Krysna?' or any etymol, of same, 'Christos',etc, and you may realise, Like, I have,

that ,the 'Archetype', [in a very, 'Jungian' sense], of, the, 'Tree of Life', is firstly, Vegetable, 

secondly, a provider, of, 'Nourishment', [fruits etc]

and thirdly, the most precious, gift, to mankind, from our creator!

Who now ,Mani-fests, in works of Art , etc!  .The [Holy] Bible, abounds ,with ,'vegetative' ,symbolism.

People using, [vegetable] 'entheogens',  such as, Cannabis, etc, usually forget , about, the deeper, spiritual, meanings, as they try to get, 'high'.

But, the collective 'unconscious', forgets nothing!
and balance , WILL, be restored, either consciously, or, unconsciously!

Medicine ,must always, be in the correct ,Dosage!

The metaphors are many,

'Mother Earth', 'Mother nature', 'Mother land', etc, etc,

or, as Jung would term it, 'Anima', a very real, very powerful , Psychic sub-structure.

Everything Changes! Nothing remains the same!

What was, a , 'High', yesterday, could be, a, 'low', today? or vice versa?

It all depends on, 'attitude'. Even ,'Nihilists',[if there is such a thing] have to eat! ha hah!

 [Itaya Foussa]

Hare Krishna?, 'Pan?' a, 'Nymph?', a, 'Tree Numen?', a,'Muse?,

or, maybe?, a 'Piper?', or, maybe , 'Springtime?', who knows? Art? what is it?

Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?

The symbolism, merely changes, it's, 'Form', it's Beautiful!   - God is Alive!

But, then again, someone once wrote, about a man, who was hung, from, a Tree!

I wonder how they got the Idea?- Not!
